Importance of physiotherapy in prevention and treatment of pressure sores in post-stroke patients
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Fitness Club Olimpia Lublin
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
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Milena Socha   

Fitness Club Olimpia Lublin, Jana Skrzetuskiego 6/79, 20-628 Lublin, Polska
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2017;23(3):171-175
Pressure sores are considered a serious complication among post-stroke patients. Their incidence ranges from 1.7% – 2.6%.The presence of sores is one of the main factors hindering rehabilitation and threatening a patient’s health. Epidemiological prognoses that highlight an increase in the number of patients with cerebral stroke force scientists to seek new standards of treatment in order to diminish the risk of complications. Pressure sores are accompanied by pain, infection and necrosis, which contribute to delays and difficulties in rehabilitation, prolong the duration of hospitalization and increase the cost of treatment. This leads to careful analysis of causes, predictors and a new approach to the treatment of pressure ulcers, in which the role of physiotherapy is particularly important.

The goal of this article is to represent various methods of physiotherapy that may be used in order to prevent and/or treat pressure sores.

The occurrence of pressure sores severely limits the fast and effective neurological rehabilitation. It is necessary to think of plans to improve actions that would prevent pressure sores from occurring and stimulate their treatment, especially in the light of the vast spectrum of methods available for current rehabilitation. The use of different physiotherapy methods in the treatment of pressure sores decreases the cost of treatment, compared to treatments based solely on the use of specialized wound dressings.
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