Granuloma fissuratum in users of removable prosthetic restorations – etiology and principles of treatment
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Specjalistyczna Lecznica Stomatologiczna UMB, Polska
Zakład Protetyki Stomatologicznej UMB, Polska
Corresponding author
Anna Kondrat   

Specjalistyczna Lecznica Stomatologiczna UMB, ul. Jerzego Waszyngtona 15A, 15-274, Białystok, Polska
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2019;25(2):82-87
As a result of the aging process, the percentage of elderly people using removable prosthetic restorations increases. Acrylic dentures promote the development of inflammatory-fibrous growths of the oral mucosa, the most common of which is granuloma fissuratum.

Aim of the study:
The paper presents the etiology and principles of treatment and prophylaxis in patients with granuloma fissuratum located in the mouth on the basis of a literature review.

Materials and method:
To collect the literature, PBL and Medline databases were searched. We found 979 records, which were narrowed down to the 2000–2019 publication period. Finally, 18 articles were qualified, the contents of which contained significant, original and non-recurring information on the issues presented.

Description of the state of knowledge.:
The main etiological factor of granuloma fissuratum is the mechanical injury that arises from the use of unstable, without retention removable dentures, with too long use. It is necessary to properly educate the patient regarding the use of removable prosthetic restorations and principles of oral and prostheses hygiene. The patient should be informed about the need to replace prosthetic restorations every 3–5 years. Periodic dental check-ups of patients using removable dentures are extremely important in the prophylaxis of granuloma fissuratum and malignant oral mucosa lesions. In the case of removal of inflammatory-fibrous growths of the oral mucosa, it is necessary to perform a histopathological examination.

In the case of detection of granuloma fissuratum on the oral mucosa, it is necessary to implement team, surgical and prosthetic treatment.
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