Ramsay - Hunt syndrome - case report
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Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
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Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2018;24(1):1-3
The Ramsay-Hunt syndrome is referred to as form of ear zoster. The disease is classified as one of the infectious
diseases caused by the Varicella Zoster virus. Patients who have had chickenpox are at risk of shingles in later life, which
occurs when the Varicella zoster virus is reactivated. What is characteristic of infection caused by the Varicella Zoster virus
is its affinity for the nervous system. Factors conducive to reactivation of the virus include age> 65 years, cancer, immune
deficiency, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunosuppression, and HIV infection.
Brief description of state of knowledge:
A 55-year-old female patient presented with a painful right ear. The pain persisted
for a few days, and was described by the patient as sharp, shooting and stabbing. In addition, she reported a single-phase,
short-term episode of dizziness. Patient was healthy, with no systemic diseases. Clinical examination showed tenderness
and oedema of the right ear; the auditory canal with the tympanic membrane remained unchanged. Peripheral facial nerve
paralysis was also observed. The patient was diagnosed with Ramsay-Hunt syndrome.
Presentation of a case of a 55-year-old female with Ramsay-Hunt syndrome.
Ramsay-Hunt›s syndrome is a rare disease. Due to the possibility of life-threatening complications, such as
meningitis, early diagnosis and proper therapy are important
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