Health risk asociated with the use of organic and organic-mineral fertilizers
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Instytut Medycyny Wsi w Lublinie Zakład Bezpieczeństwa Wody i Gleby
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2012;18(2):131-136
For the production of organic and organic-mineral fertilizers various types of wastes of both plant (straw, leaves, grass, wood shavings), and animal origin (urine, faeces, gastric and intestinal contents) are used. Fertilizers produced based on sewage sludge are dangerous, and although subjected to composting, they often do not satisfy sanitary requirements. Fertilizers are highly contaminated chemically and biologically, contain a great abundance of pathogenic microorganisms, such as: bacteria, viruses, fungi and moulds, as well as the eggs of human and animal intestinal parasites. An uncontrolled introduction of these fertilizers results in the contamination of both soil and cultivated crops. The risk of biological soil contamination results from the fact that microorganisms introduced into the soil maintain their viability for a long period of time. The survival of microorganisms in soil depends on the type of soil, type of microorganism, pH of the soil, atmospheric conditions, and ranges from several weeks to several years. The most frequent diseases which spread as a result of biological soil contamination are: salmonelloses, zoonoses, teniasis, alimentary tract helminthiases (ascariosis, trichuriasis, toxocarosis). The eggs of intestinal parasites have the longest survival time in soil. Eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides survive for about 6 years, maintaining their invasiveness, eggs of Trichuris trichiura – for approximately 5 years, while the eggs of carnivorous animals (Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati) – for 10 years. Health risks concern disorders on the part of the alimentary, respiratory, and nervous systems, allergies, in the case of toxocarosis (vision disorders), and even blindness.The agricultural use of fertilizers is covered by ordinances to prevent their use when containing pathologic microorganisms. The most important regulations are the Act in the Matter of Fertilizers and Fertilization, and several Ordinances by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. These ordinances precisely specify what studies should be performed in order to allow a fertilizer for trade turnover. In addition, each fertilizer should possess instructions for its application and storage to be strictly observed by a farmer. Any deviation, even seemingly trivial, could have dangerous health effects.
Ustawa z dnia 10 lipca 2007 r. o nawozach i nawożeniu (Dz. U. Nr 147, poz. 1033).
2. Informacje/Programy/KPOSK/ kposk.pdf (dostęp: 25.01.2012).
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