Insufficient knowledge concerning CVD risk factors contributes to incorrect health behaviours. This is also true of the elderly who often do not realise that they could improve the quality and duration of life through health-promoting behaviours.
This paper aims at assessing the awareness level of CVD risk factors among the elderly.
An outpatient department in the Lodz-Górna district was randomly selected for the study. The sample covered 120 outpatients (64 females and 56 males) aged 65 or over. The research was carried out in 2005. Measures of position, dispersion and statistical reasoning were used in the statistical analysis.
The survey examined the awareness of risk factors conducive to myocardial infarction. The percentage of correct replies in relation to individual risk factors ranged from 33.9%- 100% in males and 39.1%-100% among females. For both genders combined, this percentage ranged from 48.3%-99.2%. The highest percentage of correct answers among males was recorded for alcohol abuse and hypertension considered as the risk factors, as well as tobacco smoking. Among females, the highest percentage of correct responses were obtained for obesity (100%), followed by tobacco smoking and hypertension (98.4%). 20.8% of respondents were able to indicate all correct answers concerning 10 basic CVD risk factors. There is a need for education of the elderly in the field of CVD risk factors and efficient methods to prevent these diseases.
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