Studenci VI roku Wydział Lekarskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Med Og. 2008;14(2)
Zaparcia to powszechna dolegliwość, o istotnym wpływie na komfort życia
pacjentów i związana ze znacznymi nakładami na leczenie. Niestety większość
chorych podejmuje próby leczenia poza nadzorem lekarskim, bez analizy objawów, diety i stylu życia. W pracy określono miejsce metod niefarmakologicznych oraz leczenia doraźnego w dzisiejszej terapii zaparć.
The objective of the study was to draw attention to the problems concerning constipation, and the evaluation of non-pharmaceutical methods and symptomatic treatment in contemporary constipation therapy. The definitions of constipation are considered by means of mutually supplementary Roman
criteria and the criteria proposed by the American College of Gastroenterology. Constipation is a common disorder which concerns a large number of the population; however, it is often considered as insignificant, and therefore treated outside medical supervision, which may lead to serious diseases, such as cancer of the large intestine. The article presents the subsequent stages
review of the treatment of this compaint, as well as new directions in therapy
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