Prevalence of dental carries among children aged 3, 6 and 12 years
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Instytut Medycyny Wsi w Lublinie
Centrum Systemów Informacyjnych Ochrony Zdrowia, Warszawa
Klinika Stomatologii Zachowawczej i Periodontologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu
Zakład Ortodoncji, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Warszawie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2016;22(3):190-193
ntroduction and objective:
The All-Polish Programme of Monitoring of Oral Health has been systematically conducted since 1997. The results of epidemiological studies indicate that in the Polish population the state of oral health of children and adults is alarming. The intensity of dental caries in Poland is considerably higher, not only than the level noted in the ‘old European Union’ states, but also compared to the level observed in the countries which, like Poland, have undergone political transformation. The frequency of caries among 6-year-old Polish children is 86.9%, while in Latvia – 55.4%, Denmark – 25%, and France – 22.2%. The objective of the study was analysis of epidemiological studies conducted during the period 2013–2015 within the All-Polish Programme of Monitoring of Oral Health and social, economic and cultural phenomena exerting an effect on the state of health of the examined children.

Brief description of the state of knowledge:
According to the definition adopted by the World Health Organization, dental caries is a localized, post-eruptive, pathological process of external origin involving softening of the hard tooth tissue, and proceeding to the formation of a cavity. One of the most important risks for oral health in the whole population is a high frequency of early childhood caries, caries praecox concerning deciduous teeth in children aged up to 3 years of age. In Poland, this phenomenon concerns more than 50% of children. The results of epidemiological studies show that a 3-year-old has 3 teeth affected by the carious process, on average. The situation in the group of 6-year-old children is also alarming. It is estimated that only 14.4% of 6-year-olds are free of dental caries.

Summing up:
The intensity of dental caries as a civilisation disease depends, to a great extent, on the life style and health promoting behaviours. It is necessary to implement and intensify already existing prophylactic and educational programmes addressed to the youngest age groups which, in perspective, will bring about an improvement in the state of oral health in the Polish population.
Monitorowanie stanu zdrowia jamy ustnej populacji polskiej w latach 2013–2015, Minister Zdrowia, Program na lata 2013–2015.
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