Preliminary evaluation of VELscope VX effectiveness in detecting lesions on the surface of oral cavity mucosa
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Zakład Chirurgii Stomatologicznej UM w Łodzi
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2015;21(1):71-76
Fluorescent examination performed using the VELscope VX system is a modern diagnostic technique for detecting lesions on the surface of oral cavity mucosa. Despite availability of relevant publications, the effectiveness of this technique, compared to a standard visual examination of oral mucosa in white light, has not been unequivocally evidenced.

The aim of the study was preliminary evaluation of the effectiveness of VELscope fluorescent examination in the detection of lesions on the surface of oral cavity mucosa, compared to a standard visual examination in white light.

Material and Methods:
The study included a randomly selected group of 60 adult patients of the Dental Surgery Department (Medical University, Lodz, Poland). After collecting anamnesis, oral cavity mucosa examinations were performed according to two methods: 1) standard visual examination in white light of a dental unit lamp, 2) VELscope VX fluorescent examination. Detected lesions were described and photographic documentation was collected. Further diagnostic and therapeutic process was continued.

Lesions on the surface of soft mucosa were found in 38 patients. In 10 cases, more than 1 lesion was discovered. In white light visual examination, 46 lesions were detected. In fluorescent light, all 46 lesions were confirmed, and additionally 2 small lesions were discovered (missed in white light). In total, 48 lesions were observed.

Based on the results of the study, it is impossible to unequivocally determine the prevalence of VELscope VX fluorescent examination of oral cavity mucosa surface over the standard visual examination in white light.
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