The coexistence of somatic and mental ilnesses
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Katedra i Zakład Fizjologii, Uniwersytet Medyczny we Wrocławiu
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Anna Otlewska   

Katedra i Zakład Fizjologii, Uniwersytet Medyczny we Wrocławiu, al. Wiązowa 7/1, 53-127 Wrocław, Polska
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2018;24(1):54-58
The objective of the study was to discuss the interrelationships between somatic and mental illnesses. Studies show that 20-35% of patients with a chronic somatic disease also suffer from at least one psychiatric disorder. Chronic somatic diseases associated with the development of mental disorders, are primarily various types of cancer, as well as chronic connective tissue diseases and chronic pain disorders. These conditions mainly lead to depression. On the other hand, the presence of mental illness can affect the course of somatic disease. This is due to improper lifestyle, including cigarette smoking, substance abuse, low physical activity and the use of certain medications. It should be remembered that these dependencies exist, as it often happens that the underlying disease, the second condition, remains unrecognized. Difficult contact and lack of cooperation with patients suffering from mental illness lead to the fact that their additional disorders often remain undiagnosed. Therefore, for this group of patients, objective medical history taking is especially important, collected from close relatives, as well as a thorough physical examination and planning of necessary additional tests. Also, in patients with a somatic disease, the additional mental diagnosis may remain undiagnosed. It should be remembered that in patients, especially those chronically ill, special attention should be paid to the mental state.
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