The impact of social advertising on health behaviour of students in Warsaw
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Zakład Zdrowia Publicznego, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
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Dominik Olejniczak
Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Zakład Zdrowia Publicznego
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2014;20(3):307-313
Health behaviours may be shaped by many factors. One of them is social advertising. This paper addresses the issue of social advertising as a factor that may affect the kind of certain choices by the respondents. The premise of social advertising is to increase awareness in the field of knowledge on specific issues, related mostly to the protection of human health and life, drawing attention to important and unresolved social problems. The aim of the social campaign is also modifying social reality, including – through awareness on certain issues – engaging in social affairs.

The objective of the study is the examination of the impact of social advertising on health behaviour among students of Warsaw universities, based on their personal evaluation, and conclusions derived from analysis of the respondents’ replies by gender, place of origin and university.

Material and Methods:
The study was conducted using an anonymous survey, conducted among a randomly selected group of 250 people (students) aged 19–26 years. The survey contained 10 questions with the opportunity to select several possible answers, and allowed the respondents to express their personal opinions. Statistical analysis of the data obtained from the questionnaires was performed using chi-square (χ²) test for independence.

Warsaw University students presented an average interest in health and appropriate health behaviours. Among a half of the students, an average effect of social advertising was noted in their health behaviours. The greatest interest in health issues in the social ads was observed among students from Warsaw University and the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University. According to all respondents, advertisements related with social security issues are the most effective, while those related with adequate nutrition and lifestyle diseases are the least effective.

It is necessary to create relevant programmes, campaigns and social advertising to improve perceptions of health and health care among students. When creating this type of projects it is important to accurately know the target audience, their needs, habits, and thus how to reach them. Social advertising may be useful in starting relationships and cooperation between the creators of programmes and their recipients. While programming preventive measures, attention should be paid to the significantly lower results with respect to interest in health and appropriate health behaviours among inhabitants of medium-size and large cities.
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