Impact of advertising on health choices of adult Poles
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Instytut Studiów Edukacyjnych, Wyższa Szkoła Edukacji Zdrowotnej i Nauk Społecznych w Łodzi
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2014;20(1):26-30
Advertising is the most noticeable manifestation of marketing activity and has always been giving rise to
both positive and negative emotions within society. An important aspect of modern advertising is its impact on people›s
everyday health choices.
A pilot study was conducted in order to examine the impact of various forms of advertising on the daily health
behaviour of adult Poles.
Material and Methods:
The study was conducted by the method of a diagnostic survey with the use of a questionnaire
technique. The research material was a group of 50 randomly selected adult Poles aged 30–60. Respondents from the city
of Nysa were asked questions about the effect of advertising on their decisions about healthy nutrition, physical activity,
as well as purchase of medicines, dietary supplements and hygiene, and body care products.
Empirical evidence collected in the course of the study allowed the formulation of interesting conclusions. The
study showed that 42% respondents often buy various products guided by suggestions provided by advertising, and the
most convincing for them are all kinds of visual presentations on television advertisements. However, a large percentage
of respondents (60%) declared the lack of confidence in the products advertised as ‹health promoting›. In addition, 52% of
respondents (52%) answered that when it came o health problems they did not take suggestions found in advertising, but
instead used the advice of a doctor. On the other hand, when asked whether they bought drugs advertised on television,
the majority provided a positive answer (70%). Only 16% of respondents admitted that very few advertising campaigns,
promoting sports and recreation could encourage them to pursue physical activity, while the rest of them showed indifference
in this matter.
The study showed a relatively big effect of advertising on many respondents› decisions, and this fact should
be considered in promoting daily health promoting habits.
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