Effect of preparation of carrots for consumption and content of heavy metals in the product consumed
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Zakład Zdrowia Środowiskowego Katedra Zdrowia Środowiskowego Wydział Zdrowia Publicznego w Bytomiu Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach
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Klaudia Gut   

Zakład Zdrowia Środowiskowego Katedra Zdrowia Środowiskowego Wydział Zdrowia Publicznego w Bytomiu Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach, ul. Poniatowskiego 15, 40-055 Katowice, Polska
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2017;23(4):240-244
Heavy metals are a common environmental pollution. Due to their capability for accumulation and mobility in the environment, their excessive concentrations may be detected in food products. The consumption of carrots, which show the tendency to absorb and accumulate heavy metals in their storage roots, may be an important source of exposure to these elements. Objective. The aim of the study was analysis of carrots at different points of sale from the aspect of their contamination by heavy metals, and according to the method of preparation of carrots for consumption.

Material and methods:
The research material consisted of 10 samples of carrots available for sale in the Upper Silesia Region. Using Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, the content of Pb, Cd and Zn were determined in samples such as: juice, peeled cooked carrot, raw peeled carrots, whole fresh carrots, as well as in the parts of carrots which are not consumed by humans (pomace from juice, peelings).

Carrots grown on contaminated soils are an important source of heavy metals in the diet. Among the analyzed elements, cadmium creates the highest health risk. Studies have shown that the method of preparing carrots for consumption affects the magnitude of exposure to cadmium and zinc by alimentary route.

The place of purchase, regardless of the type and size of a trading unit, does not mean identification of the level of exposure. Considering the demonstrated relationship between the content of metals, particularly cadmium, and the method of preparation of carrots for consumption, it seems important to spread this knowledge and use it in the management of individual health risk.
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