Effect of tobacco smoking on the choice of mode of nutrition and dietary behaviours – Preliminary study
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Zakład Chemii, Ekologii i Towaroznawstwa Żywności, Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2015;21(1):107-111
Smoking belongs to the most important contemporary risks for human health, also described as civilization hazards. Numerous publications have been devoted to the development of tobacco-related diseases. However, relatively few reports concern the effect of tobacco smoking on the choice of the mode of nutrition and dietary behaviours.

The primary objective of the study was the recognition of nutritional choices and dietary behaviours of smokers, with respect to non-smokers. An additional goal was assessment of the prevalence of tobacco smoking among persons employed in the education sector.

Material and Methods:
In the examination of nutritional choices and dietary behaviours, a qualitative method was applied, using a questionnaire designed by the author. The study was conducted in one of the educational institutions in the Gdańsk Region, and covered 50 teachers and administrative workers.

The results showed that tobacco smoking exerts an effect on nutritional choices and dietary behaviours. In the population examined, smokers less often consumed breakfast, and more frequently consumed supper than non-smokers. As many as 64% of smokers declared the consumption of sweets, 86% consumed fruits and vegetables more rarely than once per week, and 71% of smokers did not drink milk. In the group examined, smokers declared a higher consumption of edible fats, coffee, and alcohol, compared to non-smokers.

The results obtained indicate a relationship between tobacco smoking among teachers and other employees of educational sector, and their dietary behaviours; however, further studies are necessary
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