Effect of diet and physical activity on female fertility
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Zakład Dietetyki i Żywienia Klinicznego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Białymstoku
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2017;23(1):51-56
Introduction and objective:
Infertility is a fundamental problem of reproductive health and exerts a negative effect on the life and functioning of women. Woman’s health, to a large extent, depends on eating habits and life style. The objective of this study is to present the effect of body weight, nutrients, vitamins and minerals on female fertility, based on the relevant literature. Effects of stimulants and the role of physical activity are also discussed.

Description of the state of knowledge:
Both body weight deficiency and excess may negatively affect female fertility. It seems that replacement of animal protein with plant protein is essential to reduce the risk of infertility. The appropriate choice of fatty acids and caution in consumption of trans–fatty acids also play an important role. Consumption of food rich in fibre and food products with a low glycaemic index may improve fertility. Vitamins and minerals, especially antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta – carotene, selenium and zinc, are of special relevance in the diet. Caffeine and alcohol may decrease the fertility of women. Physical activity should be an integral part of the life style, and the intensity of exercises must be adjusted specifically to the current state of health.

Maintaining a normal body weight, the preservation of proper mode of nutrition, including the intake of adequate nutrients, vitamins and minerals, may foster the maintenance and improvement of female fertility. A decrease in caffeine and alcohol consumption, as well as concern about including moderate physical activity, are very important for improving women’s reproductive health.
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