The provision of first aid is a moral obligation. It is also a legal obligation in the event of immediate danger of loss of life or serious damage to health, without threat to oneself or another person. This obligation is possible to fulfil provided that the principles of first aid are known. The main aim of the study was evaluation of knowledge concerning the provision of pre-medical first aid among adults.

Material and methods:
The study involved 448 participants, including 414 females (92.41%) and 34 males (7.59%). The respondents’ mean age was 35.71 (SD = 11.35). The research method was a diagnostic survey carried out using one of the social networking sites. The research tool was an author-constructed questionnaire containing items concerning socio-demographic characteristics, and assessing knowledge of first aid.

Almost a half of respondents (46.21%) had a good level of knowledge of first aid. This level was significantly higher statistically among medical professionals, compared to those pursuing a different or no profession (p<0.05). Unmarried persons had a significantly higher level of first aid knowledge than those in a relationship (p<0.05); childless respondents had a significantly higher level of first aid knowledge than those with one or two children of school age (p<0.05); persons who completed first aid training had a significantly higher level of first aid knowledge than those who did not complete such training (p<0.05).

The results of the study obtained showed that the examined adults have a good level of knowledge concerning first aid. The level of knowledge about first aid depends on marital status, progeny and the occupation performed.
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