Knowledge of high school children about health
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Katedra i Zakład Pielęgniarstwa Pediatrycznego Wydziału Pielęgniarstwa i Nauk o Zdrowiu Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Studentka Wydziału Pielęgniarstwa i Nauk o Zdrowiu Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Corresponding author
Anna Bednarek   

Sobianowice 85F, 20-258 Lublin 62 e-mail:
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2013;19(4):469-474
In the system of values of Man, health is decisive for normal development and self-realization. The objective of the study was recognition of knowledge of the selected aspects of health among adolescents attending high school. The presented study was conducted in 2011 in Zamość, among 102 adolescents attending Jan Zamoyski Secondary School

The objective of the study was recognition of knowledge of the selected aspects of health among adolescents attending high school

Material and Methods:
The presented study was conducted in 2011 in Zamość, among 102 adolescents attending Jan Zamoyski Secondary School No. 1. The research instrument was a questionnaire designed by the author. Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS 14 PL software.

Girls, significantly more often than boys, understood the concept of health according to the definition suggested by the WHO. The majority of school adolescents evaluated their state of health as good (67.8% of girls and 55.8% of boys). Almost all girls (93.2%) and 88.4% of boys considered personal hygiene as the main element deciding about health. The majority of the adolescents examined reported that lifestyle is the most important factor conditioning the health of each individual. Important sources of knowledge of secondary school adolescents about health are: the Internet (80.3%), media (58.8%) and parents (46.1%). The respondents declared willingness to expand their knowledge concerning health, most often appropriate quality of sleep and leisure (66.3% of girls), as well as physical activity (62.8% of boys).

1. The adolescents examined generally correctly understand and define the concept of health, and accurately stated as indicating the determinants. 2. The majority of secondary-school adolescents determined the level of their knowledge about health as good and declared that they would like such knowledge concerning various aspects of health. 3. Actions should be undertaken to promote health and improve motivation among adolescents for conducting a healthy lifestyle
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