Knowledge about the problem of ticks among secondary school and university students in Siedlce
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Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, Polska
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Sylwia Goławska   

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, ul. Prusa 14, 08-110 Siedlce, Polska
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2020;26(3):280-285
Ticks constitute a vector and reservoir of numerous pathogens. In Poland, especially in the eastern part of country, ticks pose an epidemiological threat to humans and animals, both domestic and wild. Health education is the least expensive and often the most effective form of prevention of tick-borne diseases, therefore should be supplemented and deepened.

The aim of the study was evaluation of knowledge about ticks and ticks prevention among students of the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities and two secondary schools in Siedlce, Poland: Saint Jadwiga Queen of Poland Secondary School No. II, and Holy Family Catholic Secondary School.

Material and methods:
The research in the form of a diagnostic survey was conducted between May – June 2019 among 212 students, of two study specialties: natural and humanistic. The obtained results were analysed using the Generalised Linear Model (GLZ, Statistica software).

The majority of students participating in the study knew that in recent years the number of ticks in Poland has been systematically increasing. Over 92% of respondents knew that ticks need the blood of a host in order to survive. Over 70% of students knew that repellents may be used for protection against ticks, and more than half know the correct course of action in the event of a tick bite. Significant relationships were found between the education profile and education level. Students of natural sciences and university students achieved better results.

The examined group of students had considerable knowledge of ticks and the prevention of tick bites. Students studying the natural profile had slightly better knowledge, compared to students from the humanities profile. The correctness of the answers was also marginally affected by the education level; university students had a slightly better knowledge than respondents attending secondary school. However, considering environmental health risk caused by an increasing number of ticks, it is necessary to continue and expand educational actions concerning ticks, tick-transmitted diseases, and prevention of tick-borne diseases.
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