Knowledge of pregnant women concerning immunization of children
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Katedra i Zakład Pielęgniarstwa Pediatrycznego, Wydział Pielęgniarstwa i Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2012;18(3):186-188
Protective vaccinations have resulted in a significant reduction or elimination of some infectious diseases
in children. Unfortunately, in recent years campaigns against the use of vaccinations in children have been increasingly
more frequently observed. It is therefore important to constantly improve knowledge and awareness of parents about the
importance of vaccinations in the prevention of infectious diseases.
The objective of the presented study was an attempt to recognize the state of knowledge of pregnant women
concerning immunization of children, and the determination of their needs for education in this field.
Material and Methods:
A survey was conducted among 130 randomly selected pregnant women aged 20-38 years,
hospitalized in Perinatology and Conservative Gynaecology wards at University Hospital No.4 in Lublin.
Results: Analysis of the research material showed that only 30% of the surveyed pregnant women properly understood
the term ‘vaccination’. Only 1/3 of them (32.3%) knew what the schedule of vaccination meant. Only 24.6% of respondents
had knowledge concerning the possibilities and types of additional vaccines for children, not covered by the compulsory
vaccination schedule. The majority of respondents (78.5%) admitted that their knowledge pertaining to protective
vaccinations was insufficient, and almost all of them (96.1%) were interested in expanding this knowledge.
A relatively low level of pregnant women’s knowledge concerning the immunization of children which, in
the future, could protect their child against the development of many diseases, indicates the need for intensification of
educational activities in this area.+
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