Knowledge presented by children and adolescents from the Lublin Region concerning application of hygiene supplies in the prevention of dental caries
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Studentka Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
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Mariola Król   

Ćmiłów, ul. Słoneczna 4, 20-388 Lublin 6
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2014;20(3):335-340
The engagement of an individual, and knowledge concerning the implementation of domestic preventive-hygienic procedures are an essential component of the broadly understood prevention of dental caries. This knowledge is extremely important and should be disseminated from an early age.

The aim of this study is to investigate the level of children’s and adolescents’ knowledge about the use of hygiene accessories in the prevention of dental caries.

Material and Methods:
The study was conducted by a diagnostic pool method, using a questionnaire designed by the author. The survey covered children and adolescents attending elementary schools, high junior schools, and secondary schools in the Lublin Region.

Analysis of the results of the study showed that the respondents were not aware of the fact that the family members’ toothbrushes should not be kept in the way which provides no contact with each other (69.38%). Most of respondents (62.79%) did not know that the toothbrush should be replaced after a throat infection. More than one third of respondents claimed that they changed their toothbrushes (37.21%), but other respondents did so only from time to time. Almost half of the respondents declared that they always (28.68%) or often (18.60%) clean the tongue during the brushing the teeth. Only 24.42% of respondents reported that they pay attention to the content of fluoride in toothpaste. Sugarless gum was least often chosen by the respondents (6.59%).

Educational programmes should include information about the ways of using a toothbrush and hygiene articles which are important tools in the prevention of dental caries. The most important fact is that parents are responsible for their children’s health’s education since they should be interested in the oral health state of their children and the implementation of primary prevention activities. They are also responsible for teaching their children proper hygiene habits.
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