Early rehabilitation of patients after ischemic stroke
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Wojewódzki Szpital im. Zofii z Zamoyskich Tarnowskiej w Tarnobrzegu
Samodzielna Pracownia Rehabilitacji Neurologicznej, Katedra Rehabilitacji, Fizjoterapii i Balneoterapii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie.
Zakład Balneoterapii, Katedra Rehabilitacji, Fizjoterapii i Balneoterapii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Corresponding author
Jolanta Piskorz
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2014;20(4):351-355
Ischemic stroke is caused by stopping or decreasing arterial perfusion. Strokes are a major cause of serious and chronic invalidity which affects the total costs borne by society. Treatment of ischemic stroke involves therapy that leads to improvement in brain perfusion in the area of ischemia, and reduces the consequences. Early rehabilitation of patients plays important role in the therapeutic management. There are different methods of rehabilitation that are adjusted to patient’s general health state, extent of stroke and physical efficiency.

Aim of the study:
Presentation of different methods of rehabilitation patients after ischemic stroke and their impact of improving the patient’s daily functioning.

Short description of state of knowledge.:
Nowadays, medical rehabilitation has specialist equipment that produced good results in restoring patients efficiency. The aim of the rehabilitation is to improve motor function in the upper and lower limbs, decrease of aphasia, improve the competence of respiratory muscles, decrease pharynx and larynx muscle paresis, limit or remove the pain and improve the patient’s general feeling.

The continuity of rehabilitation is important in the prevention of recurrence of stroke. It also plays an important role in the prevention of pseudostroke syndrome where there is no new focal lesions or changes, but manifests in the intensification of paresis, occurrence of subsequent complications and deterioration of the patient’s functional status.
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