Cranial-cerebral injuries - an epidemic of the 21ST century
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Z WyŜszej Szkoły Finansów i Zarządzania w Siedlcach Wydział Nauki o Zdrowiu
Med Og. 2010;16(2):192-200
The progressing mechanization of work observed in every sphere of life and rapid development of the means of transport are the main causes of a constant increase in the number of accidents and injuries. Apart from cardiovascular, cancerous, and respiratory system diseases, injuries are among the most frequent causes of death. The number of road accidents, which are among most important causes of head injuries, also increases as a result of quick development of motorisation. The primary objective of the study was the determination of the percentage of patients treated due to head injury in the Intensive Care Unit at the Regional Specialist Hospital in Siedlce, with particular consideration of severe cranial-cerebral injuries, and reporting the causes of these injuries. The study was conducted at the Regional Specialist Hospital in Siedlce based on the analysis of hospital records – medical histories were analysed for the years 2003-2007. Among the total number of 695 patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit during the period 2003-2007, 143 patients (20,6%) were treated due to isolated cranial-cerebral injuries, whereas 73 patients ( 10.5%) were treated due to multiple injury accompanied by cranial-cerebral injury. The tendency to create injury centres, and the implementation and performance of diagnostictreatment standards concerning procedures with respect to patient with injuries is an important element of improving hospital treatment. It is important to enhance the awareness of society concerning the consequences of injuries.
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