Problems in the completion of care for children with cerebral palsy
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Katedra i Zakład Pielęgniarstwa Pediatrycznego, Wydział Pielęgniarstwa i Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie
Corresponding author
Anna Bednarek   

Sobianowice 85F, 20-258 Lublin 62
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2012;18(4):354-360
Introduction: Cerebral palsy can constitute a considerable risk for the normal development and formation of individual personalities of the child, and can be the source of many problems as well as protective problems for the family.

To introduce the problem in the completion of the care for children with cerebral palsy

Material and Methods:
Examinations were conducted in 2010 among 30 parents in the Children’s Research Hospital in Lublin, in the Children’s Neurology Clinic, Clinic of Orthopedics and Children’s Rehabilitation, and branch of Children’s Rehabilitation. At the same time, a questionnaire form was posted on an Internet website. From this source, 20 questionnaires were used for the statistical study. The author’s version of the questionnaire form was used as the research tool.

The majority of respondents took an active part in the rehabilitation of their children for about 45-60 minutes three times a week (14%). The effects of the rehabilitation meeting met the expectations of 70% of the parents. The majority of examined parents were able to identify the needs of their child (88%), and contact with the children determined as good (52%). The majority of the care respondents had no problems in taking care of safe surroundings for their child (40%) nor difficulty with transport during the rehabilitation (30%). The degree of disability current in the cerebral palsy decided about the problems which accompanied the parents in the nursing of their children.

1. The examined carers made their handling of the child with disabilities conditional on the degree of disability. 2. The majority of examined parents had no problems with identifying the needs of their child with disabilities. 3. The parents of children with cerebral palsy had the greatest problems in assuring the safety of the child. 4. Employing parents is very significant in the process of streamlining development of the child.
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