Nebulization therapy in children with cystic fibrosis – opinions of the children and their parents
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Katedra i Zakład Pielęgniarstwa Pediatrycznego, Wydział Pielęgniarstwa i Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2012;18(4):287-290
Nebulization is considered a very good and effective method for inhaled drug delivery. Despite some disadvantages,
its effectiveness, accessibility and ease of use has resulted in it attaining an established position among the
treatments for respiratory diseases; therefore, the possibility of its application should always be considered.
To obtain the opinions of children with cystic fibrosis and their parents about nebulization therapy, which affect
the effectiveness of treatment.
Material and Methods:
A survey was conducted in 2008 among 100 children with cystic fibrosis using nebulization therapy,
and among 100 of their parents. The study included 51 children hospitalized in the Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung
Diseases in Rabka, 2 children hospitalized in the Department of Pulmonary Diseases and Rheumatology of the University
Children’s Hospital in Lublin, and the 47 children who are members of the Polish Society of cystic fibrosis patients, with
headquarters in Rabka.
Analysis of the research material shows that the majority of children surveyed (79%), and in the opinions of their
parents (85%), the children willingly performed nebulization. Also, most children (86%) and parents (92%) knew the benefits
of nebulization therapy. Nearly all the sick children (82%) and their parents (94%) accepted nebulization therapy. The great
majority of children (89%) and parents (94%) agreed that nebulization therapy gives good results. A large percentage of the
children (91%) and parents (83%) stated that nebulizer equipment is readily available to them. However, 13% of the children
and 11% of their parents were not satisfied with the applied nebulization therapy. As many as 83% of the children and 73%
of their parents felt that the nebulizer equipment was unwieldy. A large percentage of children (68%) and slightly less of
their parents (22%) did not accept the noise related to operation of a nebulizer. As many as three-quarters (79%) of children
and their parents (73%) stated that the costs related with nebulization therapy significantly influenced the worsening of
financial situation of the family. Unfortunately, 61% of the children and 47% of their parents claimed that nebulization therapy
impedes normal functioning of the child. Among the drawbacks of this therapy, the respondents listed long duration of
treatment, the need for access to a power supply, and the need to clean the nebulizer.
1. Despite the indication of some of its drawbacks, the opinions of children with cystic fibrosis and their
parents about nebulization therapy were mostly positive.
2. To achieve optimal results of treatment, there is a need for continuing education among them about the rules of nebulization
therapy, possible use of modern nebulizers and obtain funding for their use.
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