Telemedical maintenance of physical activity by means of smartphones – the telemonitoring system at the Institute of Rural Health
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Instytut Medycyny Wsi im Witolda Chodźko w Lublinie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2013;19(4):500-503
Improved overall physical activity is an essential precondition for the maintenance of the effects of rehabilitation conducted. In order to encourage patients who complete stationary rehabilitation to maintain increased physical activity, the technical capabilities of serial smartphones and software for Android 2.0–4.x prepared for this purpose – the Instrument for Measurement of Physical Activity were used. The software is freely available, and uses data from the accelerometer built into your smartphone that are processed according to the original measurement algorithm. This algorithm has been calibrated by measuring repeated functional experiments. The data concerning patient’s activity are transmitted to the physician in charge of treatment who, at any time, via hospital server and network software has the possibility to perform a detailed and summary analysis of patient’s behaviour. Simultaneously, through the pictogram of the filling heart, the user is motivated to perform individually tailored, daily physical activity plan. The activity plan is automatically adjusted to the individual characteristics of the patient and his/her diseases, based on remote medical history taking. Through an ‘evaluation’ support on the part of the physician, the programme provides an opportunity to reduce the incidence of discontinuation of rehabilitation and relapse of disability. Key words telemedicine, telerehabilitation, fitness, prevention
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