Introduction and objective:
Urinary incontinence (UI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) are common problems affecting a high percentage of women in Poland. The aim of the study was to assess preventive behaviours and the use of physiotherapyamong women qualified for surgical treatment due to UI or POP. The quality of life of patients with these dysfunctions was also assessed.

Material and methods:
The survey included 165 patients aged 55.45±15.49 staying at the Department of Gynaecology. The study involved 34 patients hospitalized for organ prolapse (POP), 57 for urinary incontinence (UI) and 74 women hospitalized for other gynaecological reasons (Con). The research tools included an original questionnaire and standardized questionnaires assessing the severity of symptoms and quality of life in women with pelvic floor disorders: ICIQ FLUTS LF, ICIQ LUTSqol, and PFDI-20

Patients with UI were characterized by the lowest quality of life compared to women from POP or CON group, but the differences were not significant (p>0.05). Among women who consulted their urogynaecological problems with a doctor, only 24% were referred to a urogynaecological physiotherapist (31% with POP and 17% with UI). Only 8.8% of patients decided to have physiotherapy consultation (11.8% with POP and 7% with UI). 78% of all participants had never exercised their pelvic floor muscles (77% with UI, 73.5% with POP, and 83.5% from Con). Among women who reported exercising their pelvic floor muscles, 86% (UI) and 91.2% (POP), as well as 93% (Con), presented incorrect exercise patterns.

Summing up, the research has shown that women›s awareness of the possibilities of preventive measures and physiotherapy for pelvic floor disorders, in this case UI and POP, is insufficient and further educational activities are necessary to improve this situation.
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