Introduction: In the Lublin Region there is a considerable amount of asbestos products. They should be dismantled, protected and deposited on appropriate landfills, to limit the exposure to asbestos fibre.
Objective: The objective of the study was to carry out investigations concerning ecological awareness of society with respect to hazards related with asbestos and its products.
Material and Methods: The study was conducted by the method of a diagnostic survey with the use of a questionnaire technique. The research material was a group of 100 adult inhabitants of the Lublin Region.
Results and conclusions.: The results of the survey provide information concerning knowledge of asbestos and its products among inhabitants of the Lublin Region. Despite the implementation of many asbestos programmes, there are still many farms where asbestos products are present. Cooperation with local self-governments is necessary in order to disseminate information about risks related with asbestos and the principles of its disposal.
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