Public health services in the area of metal health on behalf of rural and urban Polish inhabitants
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Instytut Medycyny Wsi, Zakład Epidemiologii i Biostatystyki
Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomii i Innowacji, Wydział Nauk o Człowieku, Polska
Corresponding author
Anna Włoszczak-Szubzda   

Instytut Medycyny Wsi, Zakład Epidemiologii i Biostatystyki, Projektowa 4, Lublin, 20-209 Lublin, Polska
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2018;24(4):205-209
Introduction and Objective:
In Poland, similar to Europe, a constant increase has been observed in the number of patients suffering from mental problems. The objective of the study was to indicate the domain of mental health as a key element of public health, and analysis of the state of care in the area of mental health among Polish rural and urban population.

State of knowledge:
Based on the results of all-Polish study of Hospital Psychiatric Morbidity, it was found that urban inhabitants considerably more often than rural inhabitants received treatment in outpatient departments for mental health. The difference was as high as 91%. A similar difference – 92% was observed in the case of urban and rural population using psychiatric ambulatory care. Such high differences between urban and rural inhabitants may indicate considerable shortcomings in the satisfaction of needs in the domain of mental health among rural population. Therefore, the solution seems to be primary health care additionally offering services in the area of mental health. A specialist in clinical psychology, clinical psychologist, psychologist in the course of specialization, or a psychologist with documented experience in clinical work, would become a part of the PHC team, and support patients within primary health care. Summary An equal access to health services should be provided irrespective of the place of residence (rural or urban). The study confirmed the presence of differences in the number of health care services provided for rural and urban inhabitants. The solution may be PHC with additional staff.
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