Period of employment, occupational burnout and stress coping strategies among midwives
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Zakład Psychologii, Katedra Filozofii i Nauk Humanistycznych, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Katowice
Samodzielny Publiczny Szpital Miejski w Sosnowcu
Corresponding author
Magdalena Gruszczyńska
Zakład Psychologii, Katedra Filozofii i Nauk Humanistycznych, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny, ul. Medyków 12, 40-752 Katowice
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2014;20(3):276-281
The work of midwives is associated with incurring psychological costs which is very often the factor that causes stress. Perceived level of work-related stress may lead to the development of occupational burnout. Purpose of the study: The objective of the study was an attempt to provide an answer to the question whether the period of employment of midwives’ exerts an effect on the level of stress experienced, strategies of coping with stress, and the occurrence of occupational burnout syndrome.

Material and Methods:
The study included 98 occupationally active midwives employed in inpatient care facilities. The majority of respondents (55.1%) were aged over 40, and the greatest number of them (66.3%) had a university education level. The great majority of the respondents (70.3%) were married. Half of respondents (50%) were inhabitants of cities with a population of over 100,000 inhabitants, whereas the remainder lived in smaller towns and rural areas. The greatest number of the midwives examined (62.3%) worked in maternity wards, while the remainder (37.7%) in other wards. Considering the purpose of the study, the group was divided into two subgroups: midwives with the period of employment of less than 20 years (45.9%), and those who had work experience of more than 20 years (54.1%). The following instruments were used in the study: Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced (COPE), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), and Maslach Burnout Inventory.

Study showed no statistically significant relationship between the period of employment, level of stress, occupational burnout and stress coping strategies. The only difference between the two studied groups was demonstrated in stress coping strategies, such as using a sense of humour in dealing with stress (u= 1.978; p<0.05). Younger respondents applied this particular strategy more frequently.

Among the midwives in the study, the period of employment did not significantly affect the self-reported level of stress perceived with relation to performing professional activitie
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