Social role of the Voluntary Fire Service in rural areas in the field of emergency medical services
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Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe, Warszawa
Instytut Medycyny Wsi, Lublin
Centrum Systemów Informacyjnych Ochrony Zdrowia, Warszawa
Corresponding author
Agata Pawlak   

Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe, ul. Księżycowa 5, 01-934 Warszawa
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2016;22(3):240-244
The objective of the article is to present, analyze and evaluate the role of the Voluntary Fire Service in Poland, in the medical support of National Emergency Medical System (NEMS). The material presented is the importance of the social paramedic fire fighter, as support for professional services performed by National Emergency Medical System (NEMS) teams.

Material and Methods:
The article used source materials for the Volunteer Fire Brigade in Poland. Analysis and evaluation the role of the Voluntary Fire Service in Poland is also presented in accordance with applicable legislation, as well as scientific publications.

Due to the allocation of teams, they are not always able to arrive on time for the victim requiring advanced rescue operations in sudden cardiac arrest. The system of emergency gives the opportunity to use the potential of volunteer fire fighters into action in the field of qualified first aid (QFA) reaching the patient›s National Emergency Medical System (NEMS) teams.

The social role of the Volunteer Fire Service support in the field of medical tasks in the system of the National Emergency Medical System (NEMS) is the key to improving the survival rate of people in a health emergency. Legislation has not created appropriate regulations concerning the tasks and powers of volunteer fire fighters in the provision of QFA. There are also relevant provisions for the cooperation of the emergency services in Poland – the ambulance and the fire brigade. Legislation should clarify the rules regarding the direct use of the potential of the hardware and human volunteer fire brigades, especially in rural areas. There should also be changes in the regulations concerning medical equipment in units of the Volunteer Fire Brigades, making it obligatory to have automated external defibrillators (AED) for all individuals in the National Rescue and Fire Fighting System (NRFS), as well as modifying existing procedures and regulations in the area of obtaining permission to perform QFA, and the maintenance of these qualifications. It is also necessary to retrofit the medical units Voluntary Fire Service to AED, as well as the modification of procedures and regulations in the area of obtaining and maintaining entitlement to exercise QFA.
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