Introduction and objective:
Social support and emotional management during hospitalization due to obstetric com- plications can positively contribute to shaping one’s health condition and coping with difficult news or events. The aim of the study was to assess the level of social support and the ability to control emotions in pregnant women hospitalized due to a risk of preterm labour.

Material and methods:
The study was conducted on a group of 120 women using standardized tools: Berlin Social Sup- port Scales (BSSS) and the Courtauld Emotional Control Scale (CECS).

Statistical analysis showed that age significantly influences the perception of available support (p =0.021) and currently received instrumental support (p=0.038). In the scale of buffering and protective support, the professional status is of significant importance (p=0.031). Financial situation is an important factor in terms of received emotional (p=0.038) and instrumental (p=0.030) support. Planning a pregnancy is important for the perception of available support (p=0.002), currently received support (p =0.006), emotional support (p=0.040) and buffering and protective support (p=0.018). The time of hospitalization affects the perception of information support received (p =0.036). The ability to control emotions depends on the place of residence (p=0.027) and education (p=0.030). The place of residence had an impact on the ability to suppress depression (p=0.015).

The social dimension of life plays a role in the emotional coping mechanism. Emotional intelligence issues should be included in the care plan for a woman hospitalized due to the risk of preterm labour.
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