Serologic tests for yersiniosis among family members
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Z Zakładu Biologicznych Szkodliwości Zawodowych Instytut Medycyny Wsi w Lublinie im. W. Chodźki
Med Og. 2010;16(3):331-339
The objective of the study was evaluation of exposure of family members to contact with Yersinia serotypes considered as pathogenic for humans. The material for the study were blood sera collected from 187 people from 69 families, with 2–7 family members. The tests were performed with the use of passive hemagglutination test with Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis antigens, considered as pathogenic for humans. It was confirmed that in 56.5% of the families in the study there were family members who had contact with Yersinia rods, including 26.1% of families – with one family member, and 35.5% - all family members. In 41.0% of the families in which all the members showed positive reactions, all of them possessed antibodies against the same serotypes of Yersinia. This indicates the possibility of an easy human-to-human infection, the presence of a common source of infection with these rods among family members, or the simultaneous occurrence of both the above- mentioned phenomena. The antibodies most frequently detected as common for family members were anti-Yersinia enterocolitica O:5 and O:8.
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