Self-reported living and housing conditions of disabled rural inhabitants
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Instytut Medycyny Wsi w Lublinie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2014;20(2):155-159
Despite the fact that during the last period between censuses (2002–2011), a decrease was observed in the number of the disabled, although their percentage in the total Polish population still remains high. Disability to a greater degree concerns females and rural inhabitants. Due to socio-economic changes characteristic of the market economy, those afflicted with disability ceased to be competitive on the labour market. In consequence, this has led to the deterioration of their living and housing conditions.

The aim of this study was to present the self reported life situation by disabled (with dysfunction of musculoskeletal system), inhabitants of rural areas of the Lublin Region.

Material and Methods:
The study group were biologically and legally disabled adults from the Lublin Region who used the rehabilitation services in the Rehabilitation Centre at the Institute of Rural Health during the period September 2008 – July 2010. The largest group in the study were patients living in rural areas – 420, while the control group – 186 urban inhabitants. A total number of 606 patients were examined. The study was conducted by the method of a diagnostic survey. The research instrument was a questionnaire form.

The largest number of the disabled rural inhabitants who participated in the study evaluated their life situation (material standard and housing conditions) as mediocre. The majority of them reduce their expenditures to fulfil the most important needs. Nearly every fifth respondent living in a rural area reported that the financial resources possessed are not sufficient to purchase most or some drugs.

The self-reported living and housing situation of the disabled rural inhabitants is worse than that of urban inhabitants. Simultaneously, the respondents evaluated their material standard and housing conditions in considerably higher terms than that resulting from the data of the National Census.
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