Introduction and objective:
The amount of knowledge concerning prevalence of orthorexic eating behaviours and their correlates is still limited. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of orthorexic eating behaviours and their connection with ways of understanding health among students of dietetics and public health at the Medical University in Lublin

Material and methods:
The study covered 230 students of the Medical University in Lublin, including 194 female students majoring in dietetics (124) and in public health (106); mean age 21.4 (Standard deviation 1.85). Orthorexic behaviours were assessed using the ORTO-15 and the Bratman Test for Orthorexia questionnaires, while ways of understanding health were evaluated by means of the Z. Juczyński Health Criteria List.

A greater intensification of orthorexic behaviours was reported among students of dietetics, compared to public health students. No differences in the prevalence of orthorexic eating behaviours were observed according to gender and level of studies. The students characterized by the right attitude towards eating, compared to healthy-eating fanatics, understood health in terms of a process, aim, and result, whereas a greater risk of anorexia was caused by a more frequent perception of health as a state.

Students whose field of study focuses on nutrition are characterized by a greater risk of engagement in orthorexic behaviours; however, a higher level of knowledge on human nutrition and dietetics gained in the course of studies does not increase the risk. It is necessary to further investigate the correlates of the risk of orthorexic behaviours in other population cohorts.
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