Role of PHC nurse in primary and secondary antinicotine prevention
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Katedra Medycyny Społecznej i Zapobiegawczej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2012;18(3):243-246
Tobacco smoking is a single, major, modifiable risk factor of cardiovascular diseases, malignant cancer and respiratory diseases. It is estimated that in the 21 st century there will be 1 million deaths unless integrated anti-tobacco actions are taken. In Poland, tobacco-related diseases are the cause of nearly 70,000 deaths annually, and reduce the average life span. Physicians of all specializations, as well as nurses, have been encouraged to undertake actions against tobacco smoking. Nurses may play a key role in anti-tobacco prevention. The objective of the study is to discuss everyday situations in the work of nurses when patients may be prevented from starting smoking or convinced to discontinue smoking. Due to frequent contact with patients, good communication, trust and authority nurses may considerably contribute to the reduction of tobacco smoking. The presented report shows how nurses, regardless of their place of employment (NHS, institution, school, patient’s home), can undertake preventive actions adjusted to the individual situation of a patient, using the information concerning the patient’s state of health as a factors motivating the discontinuation of smoking. Conclusions: 1. Nurses should play a crucial role in anti-tobacco preventive actions which cover: patient’s education, assessment of the degree of patient’s readiness to discontinue smoking, boosting health motivation, as well as assisting physicians to apply Minimal Anti-tobacco Intervention. Apart from educating patients, nurses may initiate and organize anti-tobacco campaigns, therapy programmes; moreover, they may influence the management to create a tobacco free environment. 2. Primary health care creates many opportunities for a nurse to present to patients the negative effects of smoking, and show the benefits of stopping. Key words: smoking, nurse, prophylactic activities
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