Role of medical staff in coping with the crisis associated with infertility treatment among women
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Katedra Psychologii Górnośląskiej Wyższej Szkoły Handlowej w Katowicach
Corresponding author
Aleksandra Dembińska   

ul. Harcerzy Września 3, 40-659 Katowice
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2012;18(4):366-370
Introduction and purpose: Psychological condition of women experiencing infertility is often related to the effectiveness of their treatment. Therefore, the role of the medical staff in psychological support given to women undergoing infertility treatment becomes extremely important. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the medical staff social support given to women undergoing infertility treatment.

Material and Methods:
In own studies, the variable ‘perception of social support’, was defined as an individual’s ability to notice that behaviours of others are of a supportive character, and accurately respond to his/her expectations. An individual compares the expected support with the support received. The study aimed at evaluating the social support received from the medical staff by women undergoing infertility treatment. A two-stage study was conducted. The first stage was a narrative interview (interpretation was performed in accordance with the hermeneutic attitude) complemented with the projective method – confrontation with one’s own life. The second stage entailed the quantitative analysis on the basis of the self-designed Questionnaire of Psychological Costs in Infertility. Apart from psychological costs, this questionnaire also considered the perception of social support and self-designed Scale of Attitudes Towards Bioethical Problems in Infertility. The study covered 312 women undergoing infertility treatment.

Statistical analysis encompassed descriptive statistics and the Kruskall-Wallis test. Based on the results obtained, it can be stated that there is a relationship between the infertility treatment method used and perception of social support: the more advanced the method of treatment, the greater the perception of the medical staff social support given to women undergoing infertility treatment. No relationship was identified between perception of social support and duration of treatment, and the bioethical views of women coping with infertility.

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