The role of general practitioners in patient preparation for cardiosurgery
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Oddział Rehabilitacji Kardiologicznej Kliniki Kardiochirurgii Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Szczecinie
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Niepubliczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej w Szczecinie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2012;18(2):147-153
Due to the high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, general practitioners increasingly more frequently cover with care patients qualified for cardiac surgery. General practitioners treat patients with advanced coronary artery disease and with heart valve diseases. Preparation of patients with heart diseases for cardiosurgical procedures is an important task for family physicians. This article shows problems of preoperative term and forms of preparation for cardiosurgery. Estimation of operative risk is an essential part of this process. Risk models can offer real support in mortality prediction. EuroSCORE plays an outstanding role here, due to the way it was derived and its widespread use in European cardiac surgery. The article contains the indications for cardiosurgery and the attitudes of the clinical evaluation of the patient before operation. The authors show the clinical evaluation of patients before cardiosurgery and using the clinical classifications such as NYHA, CCS, EHRA. This article delivers a brief overview of the additional tests which are necessary for the operation. The authors discuss problems of preoperative care in specific clinical situations, such as diabetes mellitus, patients with renal failure and with neurological deficits.
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