The role of the physiotherapy after mastectomy operation – patients’ opinions
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Samodzielna Pracownia Epidemiologii, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie
Doktorantka, Samodzielna Pracownia Epidemiologii, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2012;18(4):291-296
Breast cancer is the most common and the most malignant neoplasm nowadays among women. In the process of cancer treatment, besides the aim of achieving a complete cure, there is also the aspect of recovering the patient’s physical abilities. Taking into consideration the whole progression of cancer cure, the rehabilitation of women who have had a mastectomy operation is a very crucial area.

Analysis of the opinions of patients who have undergone a mastectomy, regarding the subject of accessibility and effectiveness of the rehabilitation conducted after the operation, and the role of rehabilitation in cancer treatment methods.

Material and Methods:
The examined group consisted of 100 women who had undergone a mastectomy procedure. The research tool used for the examination was the author’s survey, containing 29 multiple questions.

According to the women, the rehabilitation conducted after mastectomy procedure is a vital element in a process of cancer healing. A small number of the women (30%) took part in physiotherapy and obtained help from the Amazon Association. A similar number of female patients (1/5) took advantage of rehabilitation resorts. A certain dependence was noted between the age of the patients and their participation in additional kinds of rehabilitation. The great majority (97%) of the examined women did not experience problems with obtaining a rehabilitation referral. In almost all the cases, the National Health Fund (NFZ) covered the cost of rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation after a mastectomy is an immensely crucial element in treatment practice. According to the examined female patients, the best methods of rehabilitation after a mastectomy are physical exercises and massage. Despite the growing awareness and knowledge regarding the subject of breast cancer, still only a small number of patients benefit from help from the Amazon Association, psychotherapy and rehabilitation resorts. This depends on the women’s knowledge in the mentioned area, and their age
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