Partnership relations in infertility treatment
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Katedra Psychologii, Górnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa w Katowicach
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2015;21(2):174-180
In Poland, it has been estimated that 15% of couples have infertility problems, which means that the problem affects over a million couples. Partners treated due to infertility are exposed to many psychological consequences concerning many aspects of their life, including their relationships.
The objective of the study was psychological evaluation of partnership relations by women who receive treatment due to infertility.
Material and Methods:
The study was conducted in two stages: at the first stage – qualitative, the quality of partnership relations was assessed in the situation of experiencing infertility. At the second stage – quantitative, based on the questionnaire ‘Psychological Costs in Infertility Treatment’, designed by the author, by which the scale of the problem was determined. The study covered: at Stage 1–10 women; at Stage 2–312 women treated due to infertility.
Qualitative evaluation of the questionnaires (Stage 1) allowed determination of the meanings assigned by women in the study to the relationship with their partner. In statistical analysis (Stage 2), a relationship was observed between the deterioration of the partnership relation and satisfaction with sex life, and the general level of psychological costs. However, no relationships were found between these variables and age, duration of infertility treatment and methods of infertility treatment, as well as bioethical attitudes.
The treatment of infertility always concerns both partners, and the quality of their relationship is reflected in the cooperation between patients and physicians, and consequently, in the effectiveness of medical treatment.
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