The course of pregnancies and deliveries in a patient with a bihornal bicervical uterus and partially-septated vagina
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Oddział Ginekologiczno-Położniczy, Radomski Szpital Specjalistyczny, Radom
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2012;18(4):272-275
The report presents the course of pregnancies and deliveries in a patient with uterine and cervical malformation, i.e. a bihornal bicervical uterus and partially-septated vagina. Delivery 1: terminated by Caesarean section at the lower region of the right uterine horn due to breech presentation of the foetus. Pregnancy 2: terminated by abortion. Delivery 2, Pregnancy 3 – twin pregnancy: terminated before term in 31 hbd. First twin born spontaneously from the left horn, the other twin was born by classical caesarean section from the left horn. Pregnancy 4: terminated by spontaneous miscarriage. Delivery 3, Pregnancy 5: located in the right uterine horn, terminated in 36 hbd by forceps delivery.
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