Health promoting properties of young barley
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Zakład Biologii Medycznej Instytutu Medycyny Wsi im. W. Chodźki w Lublinie
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Katarzyna Kawka   

Zakład Biologii Medycznej Instytutu Medycyny Wsi im. W. Chodźki w Lublinie E-mail: Marta Kinga Lemieszek, Zakład Biologii Medycznej Instytutu Medycyny Wsi im. W. Chodźki w Lublinie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2017;23(1):7-12
The term ‘young barley’ refers to the seedlings of barley up to 200 hours after germination. The immense popularity of young barley is due mainly to its ability to accelerate metabolism and the burning of fat. Nevertheless, considering the abundance of nutrients and other substances with acknowledged beneficial effects for the human body, the possibilities of its use are much greater. On the other hand, there is no reliable information about the influence of young barley and derivative substances on the human body. This study summarizes the current state of knowledge about the health-beneficial properties of young barley. Young barley is an excellent source of antioxidants, and consequently can prevent diseases associated with oxidative stress, including cancer or neurodegenerative diseases. The anticancer effect of young barley is also associated with its ability to induce apoptosis in cancer cells, improvement in the mechanisms of DNA repair, and prevention of activation of the signaling pathways responsible for carcinogenesis. The preparations obtained from young barley are also indicated as a panacea for hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, stomach ulcers or hypercholesterolaemia. Among the advantages of young barley are also mentioned: the antidepressant effect and improvement the body’s ability to cope with stress. The consumption of young barley is also recommended for the treatment of less serious ailments, such as skin problems, burns or bad breath. The presented review of scientific data revealed a broad spectrum of health-beneficial properties of young barley. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms of its action still remain a mystery. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct additional studies to explore this issue.
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