Medical, pedagogical and social problems in the functioning of people with eating disorders
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Katedra Zdrowia Publicznego UM w Lublinie
Zespół Szkół nr 4 w Lublinie nauczyciel-pedagog
Corresponding author
Karolina Suszyńska   

Katedra Zdrowia Publicznego UM w Lublinie, ul. W. Chodźki 1 (Collegium Universum), 20-093 Lublin
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2014;20(3):235-240
Eating disorders, represented by anorexia and bulimia, becomes increasingly widespread in Poland. These illnesses not only lead to serious health consequences, but also cause significant problems in the functioning in a social group. The occurrence of the above-described disorders in a family member is often encountered with great surprise and a lack of understanding the problem due to the lack of sufficient knowledge.

Aim of the study:
The objective of the study is the presentation of the scope of issues related with eating disorders as a growing problem among young people.

Brief description of the state of knowledge:
Anorexia nervosa is a disease manifested by symptoms such as: complete avoidance of food and panic fear of gaining weight, accompanied by a distorted perception of one’s body. This is a complex of symptoms, which, despite its occurrence among the population at various ages and gender is the most prevalent among girls at puberty. Until recently, anorexia nervosa was classified as a psychosomatic illness. However; since 1987, the American Psychiatric Association DSM III–R has recognized anorexia and bulimia as eating disorders and included them among developmental disorders. Generally, anorexia develops in three phases. On the basis of many years of research and observations, two types of anorexia have been identified: the restricting type and the binge eating – purging type.

The presented issues pertaining to eating disorders encourage further research on the subject because the incidence of anorexia is growing. Medical publications and reports may contribute to increased awareness of the serious consequences of this illness, and will facilitate contact of ill people with specialists in this field.
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