Problem of dental caries in rural children with particular consideration of situation in the Lublin Region
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Instytut Medycyny Wsi w Lublinie
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Kinga Bernat   

Instytut Medycyny Wsi w Lublinie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2017;23(2):134-137
Introduction and objective:
According to the World health Organization (WHO), dental caries is a pathological, local process of extracorporeal origin, leading to decalcification of the enamel, disintegration of hard dental tissue and, in consequence, development of decay. Morbidity due to caries increases with age, reaching up to 100% in children aged between 6–7. Poland is among the few European countries where efforts to reduce morbidity due to dental caries in children have been unsuccessful, despite the WHO recommendations for 2000, aimed at a decrease in the frequency of dental caries among 6-year-old children to the level of 50%. The objective of the presented study was demonstration and comparison of the state of the oral cavity in children from rural and urban areas, and indicate the causes and possible solutions to this problem, with particular consideration of the situation in the Lublin Region.

Brief state of knowledge.:
Up-to-date data concerning the state of oral health in Polish population come from all-Polish studies conducted by order by the Ministry of Health. The main problem concerning oral health in our society is the frequency of occurrence of early childhood caries, affecting children aged up to 3 years. Statistically, more than 50% of children aged 3 have decayed teeth. Data from the All-Polish Oral Health Monitoring carried out among the Polish population during the period 2013–2015, showed that only 20.4% of children aged 12 are free from caries, 21.3% from urban areas and 19.2% from rural areas; in the Lublin Region – 16.2%.

Summing up:
The limited availability of prophylactic-therapeutic procedures provided within the Act in the matter of health services financed from public resources, to a great extent is responsible for the disastrous state of oral health of children in the Polish population. Among the assumptions of the Ministry programme for the monitoring of oral health is the levelling of differences in access to health promoting education, and placing emphasis of prophylactic-therapeutic procedures, according to the localization and region [1]. In order to attain this goal with respect to children from rural areas, dentobuses may be an on point solution
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