Employers and occupational health protection – analysis of incentives supporting employers in Poland and the EU
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Pracownia Ekonomiki Zdrowia w Katedrze Polityki Ochrony Zdrowia, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
Corresponding author
Izabela Rydlewska – Liszkowska
Pracownia Ekonomiki Zdrowia, Katedry Polityki Ochrony Zdrowia, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi, ul. Lindleya 6, 90-131 Łódź
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2013;19(2):142-146
Introduction and purpose:
Occupational diseases and accidents at work generate costs for the economy of the European Union. Employers cover the costs related with sickness benefits claims, employment of workers to replace the victim, and productivity decrease. One of the preventive actions is implementation of systems of incentive which would encourage the employers to undertake preventive programmes. The purpose of the article is to indicate the directions for improving methods which would strengthen the role of the employers in health care in Poland, based on conclusions of analyses of incentive schemes in EU countries. Special attention is paid to economic incentives. Analysis was based on the results of a review of EU research solutions.

State of art:
Social costs of occupational diseases and accidents at work amount to 4% of the GDP per year in EU countries. Legislation is one of the ways of changing the behaviour of employees, but motivation schemes offered by insurance systems are also recommended. They give the opportunity to apply different insurance premiums and grant systems. Moreover, at company level, the important role of return on investment in health analysis is considered as the basic information in decision processes.

The results of European occupational health and safety options analysis could be the starting point for incentives for reform in Polish plans, which should be aimed at insurance schemes, good practice dissemination, and employers’ education in the role of occupational health in company economics.
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