Complications after chemotherapy in the practice of a specialist in internal medicine
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Katedra i Klinika Chorób Wewnętrznych UM w Lublinie
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Andrzej Prystupa   

Andrzej Prystupa, Katedra i Klinika Chorób Wewnętrznych UM w Lublinie, ul. Staszica 16
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2014;20(4):444-448
In practice, internal medicine in the light of advances in cancer treatment there is the problem of management of patients undergoing cytotoxic therapy, and during their chemotherapy.

The aim of the study was to present the problem of development and treatment of major oncological complications associated with the therapy to destroy the cancer cells; at the same time, it also affects healthy organs and systems of the body. Major complications concern the cardiovascular system, haematopoietic system, central and peripheral nervous system and the urinary system

A review of the literature available at on-line databases in 1998–2013 were used to update these problems.

Through knowledge of the complications, proper preparation of cancer patients and appropriate care during treatment, the effects of aggressive treatment of chemotherapy can be minimalized.
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