Introduction and objective:
Fermentation is a well-known and widely practised method of food processing, increasing both the nutritional and sensoric properties of food products. Thanks to the processes initiated by microorganisms, these products are enriched with bioactive peptides and biogenic amines, creating functional food that supports human health. Additionally, plant-based fermented beverages can provide an easily accessible alternative to fermented milk products for people who are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk proteins. The aim of this article was to review studies on the fermented drink tepache in order to determine its pro-health potential and the possibility of using it in the prevention of selected disorders and diseases

State of knowledge:
Tepache is a traditional Mexican fermented drink made from pineapple. It is valued for its unique taste and aroma, and because it is easy and quick to make. Strains of bacteria, such as Lactobacillus pentosus, L. paracasei, L. plantarum and L. lactis and yeast from the genus Saccharomyces were isolated from tepache. The properties of microbes found in tepache include support for the host›s normal microflora, modulation of the immune system and regulation of the digestive system. In addition, thanks to its antibiotic and antifungal properties, tepache is a food safe for humans with potential health-promoting effects.

Due to the insufficient number of reports, there is a need for extended research documenting the detailed microbiological composition and the impact of tepache on the functioning of the human body
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