Introduction and objective:
Obesity is one of the most frequent developmental disorders in children and adolescents, which involves multiple somatic and psychosocial consequences. The aim of the study was systematization of the state of knowledge concerning the principles of nutritional intervention in the treatment of child obesity, based on the analysis and synthesis of recommendations by Polish and international experts. An increase in the risk of obesity in children is regarded as one of the main COVID-19 pandemic challenges for public health.

Abbreviated description of the state of knowledge:
The main goal of treatment of obesity in children and adolescents is prevention and treatment of obesity complications, including metabolic disorders, and improvement of patients’ quality of life. The most effective are multi-module interventions geared towards several objectives at the same time, taking into account the change in nutrition behaviours, reduction of sedentary activities, especially ‘screen time’, increased physical activity and behavioural interventions supporting changes in these areas. The implementation of interventions aimed at changing life style by qualified dietitians enhances their efficacy. In the case of secondary obesity, the therapy should consider the treatment of the underlying medical condition. The nutrition of children with the diagnosis of obesity should be based on an individually tailored nutrition intervention that provides all necessary nutritional components, depending on age, gender and physiological condition. In patients below the age of 12 years, the intervention should cover the child’s whole family.

The result of obesity treatment in children should be the development of pro-health behaviours in the sphere of nutrition and physical activity, and their implementation throughout the whole lifespan.
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