The e-ZOZ platform in Application Service Providing a model as a proposal of management solutions in ambulatory health care
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Lubuska Wyższa Szkoła Zdrowia Publicznego w Zielonej Górze
Stowarzyszenie HL7 Polska, Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny Komitet Technicznego nr 302 ds. zastosowania informatyki w Ochronie Zdrowia
Zakład Problemów Zdrowotnych Wieku Podeszłego, Instytut Medycyny Wsi w Lublinie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2011;17(4):194-196
The report presents the latest applications of teleinformatic technologies supporting management in ambulatory health care. The e-ZOZ platform is an equivalent of the Business Intelligence system on various levels of management. The report presents an example of the application of such solutions in Germany, the process of their implementation and benefits obtained after the implementation of the system. Application Service Providing is an important element of this teleinformatic solution. Enterprises providing services – Application Service Providers – offer an access to applications (and related services) on a rental basis. Access to applications may be provided by various teleinformatic media. Therefore, the user does not have to purchase the license, but rents it. The ASP services are an excellent alternative, especially for small health care facilities, such as PHC outpatients departments, Family Physician Centers and medical specialists’ practices. The goal of the implementation of the e-ZOZ platform is the generation of measurable financial savings. A clear improvement in the quality of treatment, arrangement and shortening of queues of patients and waiting times, and an improvement in the availability of health services, as well as the preparation of the facility for the opening in the European Union of the market of free movement of medical services, which has been announced by the EU for the near future.
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