The aim of the article was to present physical activity and sleep quality among the surveyed respondents from Poland.

Material and methods:
Students of the Medical University of Wrocław participated in the research. The respondents were selected randomly and all collected records were used in the analysis. A prepared questionnaire was used, based on the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Data was collected in 2020 (before the COVID pandemic) and in 2021 (a year later).

The study was conducted in a group of 1,600 adult students at Wrocław Medical University between October 2020 – March 2021. The participants were pursuing mandatory remote classes in physical education in the academic year 2020–2021.

The surveyed individuals were pursuing mandatory remote classes in physical education in the academic year 2020/2021. Despite the limitations related to the correct selection of methods or respondents, it is argued that the presented topic deserves further empirical research by scientists in the field of physical activity, sleep quality, and rest. According to the authors of the article, the presented issues are of importance. It is also important to discuss the limitations of the study, which readers should consider when evaluating its results. The limitation of the research is the analysis itself, that focuses on the type of methods used, scope of the research, and research trends in general. Another limitation is the appropriate selection of respondents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the limitations related to the correct selection of methods or respondents, it is argued that the presented topic deserves further empirical research by scientists in the field of physical activity, sleep quality, and rest. In the future, it is worth conducting similar research on the quality of sleep and rest on a larger research sample. The research should be carried out not only in Poland, but also in other countries (comparative analysis).
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