Tobacco smoking among first year students of Rzeszow universities
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Instytut Pielęgniarstwa i Nauk o Zdrowiu, Wydział Medyczny, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
Narodowy Instytut Leków w Warszawie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2015;21(1):101-106
Addiction to tobacco products is a serious global problem. It is also a main risk factor of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, or respiratory diseases. Studies conducted by the WHO show that 6 million people worldwide die due to tobacco-related diseases, and in 2030 this number will exceed 8 million. In Poland, 31% of citizens are smokers. It is an alarming fact that increasingly more frequently not only secondary school adolescents, but also those attending junior high and primary schools, reach for cigarettes. Therefore, it seems justifiable to recognize risky behaviours in the area of the use of tobacco products among university students.

Aim of research:
The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of smoking among first year students of Rzeszow. universities.

Material and Methods:
The study covered a total of 942 first year students from the University of Rzeszów and Rzeszów University of Technology, studying the following disciplines: medical, humanities and exact sciences. The study was performed by the method of a diagnostic survey using a questionnaire technique. Statistical analysis was performed by chi-square test for independence.

The results of the study showed that more than a half of the students examined (67.4%) did not smoke cigarettes (71.6% students of medical disciplines, 67.7% from exact sciences and 66.0% students of humanistic disciplines). Occasional smoking was declared by 14.9% of respondents: 11.9% – daily, several times a week – 3.6%. The students in the survey indicated as the most common cause of smoking tobacco products: socializing (15.4%), and the feeling of pleasure (8.0%). The majority of respondents (84.1%) believed that smoking causes diseases and, in the presence of others, is very harmful (79.8%). The students (78.5%) agreed that prohibition of smoking in public places is right

The study showed that smoking tobacco products is becoming increasingly less attractive among students. The young people in the survey most often smoke cigarettes during social gatherings, despite their declarations that smoking in the presence of others is very harmful.
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