Women’s opinions concerning the reasons for using gynecologist’s advice
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Zakład Położnictwa, Ginekologii i Pielęgniarstwa Położniczo-Ginekologicznego Wydziału Pielęgniarstwa i Nauk o Zdrowiu
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2011;17(2):71-74
The therapeutic indications for gynecological examinations are, among other things: metrorrhagia, abdominalgia, puberty
disorders, sexual and menopausal disorders.
The objective of the study was the recognition of respondents’ opinions concerning the use of gynecologist’s advice by
The survey covered 200 randomly selected inhabitants of the cities of Lublin and Radom and the village Jabłonna near/Radom,
and were performed by means of a questionnaire form designed by the author for the needs of the presented study.
The results of the study obtained were subjected to statistical analysis.
The survey showed that the main reasons for reporting to a gynecologist were: menstruation disorders (59.50% of respondents),
and use of contraception (n=52; 26.00%), whereas for 39.50% of women in the survey, vulvovaginitis was not
a suffi cient reason to report to a gynecologist.
Based on the studies performed, the following conclusions were drawn: in the opinions of the women examined, menstruation
disorders and use of contraception were reasons for reporting to a gynecologist, while vulvovaginitis was not
a suffi cient cause to use the advice of a gynecologist.
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